Macksville City Library Wish List 

*Funds for Window treatments for the new addition ($1,793.00 installed- with 4 semi-opaque & 2 black out blinds).

*Funds for furnishings for the library (seating, window bench seat with storage bins, display cabinet, closet shelving, etc.).

*A wall mounted television for the addition.

*Replace the buzzing light fixtures in the original library with illuminating energy efficient LED lighting.

*Garden hose & adjustable spray nozzle/wand to water flowers.

*Hand truck/dolly for moving boxes & furniture.

*Die shapes from AccuCut

*Think Fun games or other brainteasers such as: Rush Hour Jr., Rush Hour, Knot So Fast Game, GridBlock, Solitaire Chess, etc. from Fat Brain Toys or other sources.

*MHS Yearbooks for the following years: 1952, 1950, 1948-1942, 1938-1928, 1926-1924, 1922-1918 

*Memorials and gifts to update our resources and honor special people and achievements for generations to come.

*Small portable record player for 45rpm story records.

*Flowers/bulbs for landscaping (and help planting them!)

*Display case for historic books & rotating displays (when the addition is complete!)

*Individuals to help start a Friends of the Library group!

*Small Toolbox & Basic tools: Hammer, Pruning Shears, Blade & Phillips Screwdrivers & Mop Bucket.

*Overdue books returned!