Christmas Spirit in Macksville!
The Macksville City Library invites you to our Holiday Open House and Book Sale, December 14th, & 16th 1:00-6:00pm, and December 19th 9:00am-12noon. Pick up a holiday treat; sign up for our prize drawing, and browse our book sale. All proceeds go towards our Library Addition fund.
On December 5th, we were excited to be a part of Macksville’s Country Christmas! Around 25 kids attended Story Time, and many, many more dropped by GUMC to make Christmas Crafts, see Santa, and pick out a free Christmas book. Thanks go out to ALL who helped organize a GREAT celebration, and to those who donated so generously to help us buy books for the kids!!! Below are some pictures from the festivities and a Thank You from one of the book recipients. 🙂
We had a great time at the Macksville Country Christmas festivities. Hope all who came had a great time as well.