Fizz! Boom! Science MAGIC! #5
We were excited to have MHS Science Instructor, Carrie Newdigger as our guest speaker for the Fizz! Boom! Read! Summer Reading Program.
She, and three helpers, Cali, Kaden, & Emma entertained the kids and showed us that MAGIC is really based on Science. Her open flame stayed clear of the books (WHEW!), and it wouldn’t go out even when dipped in foam. Cali’s cup of water fooled us all when she only dumped air on our nervous volunteer’s head. Emma & Kaden’s food coloring in milk skedaddled away from their ‘magic’ dipped toothpick. And, since July 4th was only four days away, we were treated to solutions that turned red white & blue before our very eyes, and the kids signed a pretend Declaration of Independence with only a battery and wire as their pen! The session ended with a Boom! as we saw a vinegar & baking soda ‘firework’ explode in the front lawn. I think the kids would all agree: Science IS FUN! And, it’s even a little MAGIC!
Fizz! Boom! Science MAGIC! #5 — No Comments
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